Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Anna , Ramdev - Who is right & who is not?

An outsiders view of event's happening in India :
When Anna Hazare decided to fast to initiate the “Indian Against Corruption” campaign, I was more than pleased. I confess I had not heard of this man before, I have no idea about his credentials but what was satisfying was that someone is taking an initiative to bring reforms in India. I got all my news through those media websites and none of them portrayed him in negative. Everyone praised, complimented Anna and it helped me formed my superior opinion about Anna.
Then one day came news about various cases against one of the member of Anna Hazare campaign. I had so much faith in Anna that I thought it was politically motivated. But, in hindsight, when I think of it, no one can survive in India without practicing corruption. (My dad had to pay to get a road built in front of his factory. Funny thing, the road only exists in front of his office and not the path leading to his office)
But all this while, I was shocked by the government’s reaction. (For some reason, I had always believed Congress is the party of future and they strongly believe in reforming the country. But when I heard recent corruption cases, my outlook about them took a complete U turn. ) Anyways, the government wasn’t very keen on working with Anna and was playing political game. They wanted to make sure that all this noise by Anna doesn’t get to the mass (i.e. people) and affect their image. They were least interested in listening to the issues bought by Anna and making a serious effort towards them. For them, it seemed, corruption is a way of governance. It appears, only due to public support towards the movement, government gave in. (and not because they believed in it). And we can see the consequences, the bill is dragging, interrupted and excuses been made of who should be involved and who should not be.
And then comes Ramdev. A little history first – I have never been a religious person but liked Ramdev for popularizing Yoga and bringing it to people. Thanks to him, many people know what yoga is and aspire to do it every morning and make it as a part of their healthy lifestyle. That’s all I know about Ramdev. Is he a thug? Don’t know and don’t care. Is he sex-maniac? Don’t know and don’t care. Is he politically motivated? Don’t know and don’t care.
He started his own campaign about black money i.e. bring all the black money back. What’s wrong in that? People say he is a baba and should remain so. I don’t agree. I am BA so should I not be entitled to my opinion or go to Jantar Mantar to express my solidarity towards Anna? Why can’t he raise concerns which I believe in? If I can’t stand for what I believe in but if someone else is then why should I not support him?
Let’s assume he was politically motivated – i.e. he wants to start a political party. What’s wrong or bad in that? He is a citizen of India and has every right to do so. And So am I - A citizen of India and have every right not to vote for him. Then comes another angle about his massive wealth. Come on, it’s a long known fact of India – 3 ways to make quick & safe money in India – Open a Theka, temple or School. He took the 2nd path and became rich. Tell me one guru who hasn’t amassed big wealth. In no way I am supporting his deeds or they way he has become what he is. All that I am supporting that he stood for a cause which none of us could. That’s it! The day he decides to start a political party, I would NEVER vote for him. For me, he would be 2nd Shibu Soren.
One thing about Ramdev, the amount of support he enjoys from the middle and lower class people. I suppose that’s much more than what Anna had/has. Government was scared of it and that’s when they decided on their night attack. I strongly condemn action by Congress (or GOI). They did not have the guts to face the man on face and attacked him night. That reflects on the amount of faith I can have on the government. Why not have an open discussion about what is right and wrong about demands instead of getting that corrupt Delhi police to attack people.
All this happened and PM had one thing to say – “Unfortunate and no magic wand”. And that is the same thing I have to say to him “It’s unfortunate you are the PM and I have no magic wand, else I would have replaced you”

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Too Much Drama...Lost Focus of real issue at hand!

Review- "No one Killed Jessica"

I had high hopes from the movie because of the issue involved and outcome of issue in the real life. I expected movie to highlight the the problem in the society and end up with a lesson. But it ended up being a drama movie with no emphasis on the problem in India. I wanted to feel angry after looking at the movie, that what is happening in India. I wanted people who were involved in the crime to feel guilty..I wanted eye-witnesses who turned their back feel ashamed of themselves, after watching the movie. But his movie ended up being nothing but just a drama unfolding. The over-emphasis on Meera Gaiti was uncalled for. But still, one should see this movie to know what kind of society we live in and its each and everyone person's responsibility to make India a better place!