Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Afterall, I am an Engineer!!

4 months- damnit 4 months devoid of Technical problem - something that has been a part of me for the past 8 years!! Today I forayed in it again -
"Do u know how to find if a no. x is a power of 2? (in one line of C code) ??"
.....And I was lost.

I thought- "Come on its a kiddie. Don't tell me I can't do it - But in actuality, yah I CANNOT do it.. :( "
Come on - I did not want to use google. I cannot ditch myself. I have to to it. I WANT to do it...!!

Took hints and voila - EUREKA - i did it all by MYSELF and then came the high of my last 3 months...

"The high i used to get as a child when i first learnt to swim, or cycle, or top score in a game is also nowhere close to comparable to solving any damn tech problem"

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